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Q-SEE QSPMIC Powered Microphone Power Supply 60 ft Cable

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Your Price: $49.99
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Item Number: QSPMIC
Manufacturer: Q-SEE
Manuf. Part No: QSPMIC
Product Model Number:


The QSPMIC adds sound to the video recordings of any camera.
It works with any cameras used indoors, and any of our DVRs that have audio inputs.
The QSPMIC comes with a 12 Volt 500mA power supply and 60 feet of cable for flexable positioning.
It is easy to install, Just attach the power and audio connectors from the microphone to the cable, then attach the audio RCA audio connector on the other end of the cable to the audio input on the DVR, and attach the power supply to the power connector on the end of the cable by the DVR, and attach a speaker to the video out port on the DVR so you can hear the audio from the live camera feed or when you playback the video files. The QSPMIC will pick up sound within 20 to 30 feet of the microphones position adding audio to your video files, which adds  to the flexiblity and value of your security system.

Product Contents

1 QSPMIC Powered Microphone
1 12 Volt 500mA Power Supply
1 60 feet of Audio/Power Cable with RCA Connectors

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